Janet me and Bolton Wanderers

Created by Francis 2 years ago
My cousin Janet has been an avid Wanderers fan all her life. One of my favourite memories goes back to February 1976 i was just 16 and Janet will have been 20 Bolton played Newcastle in the FA Cup 5th round and it went to a second replay which was at Leeds Utd on a Monday night, Janet her friend (sorry i cant remember her name) and me went i think Janet drove i couldnt  not being old enough. We got there on the last minute as problems on the M62 (now thats a supprisešŸ˜«) so lots of Bolton fans abandoned their cars, including us and ran to the ground. We arrived jioned a queue only to told before we got to the front that the ground was full and we would not be getting in. We were gutted, and walked around the outside of Elland Road, when we spotted the BBC articulated lorry with TV screens in the back. Janet and her friend approached the guy from the Beeb and he let us watch from the road by moving the screen and when i say screen non of you 72 inch big screen just a small laptop sized one but we got to watch the game and others jioned us, but as Janet would tell you Bolton dont do easy and we lost. 
Throughout  my life Janet has been a constant but most especially at Bolton Wanderers since i stopped working at the match we have had season tickets together. This should have been the time we relax and enjoy retirement but so unfairly not for Janet or Jo-Anne. Janet will be missed and remembered at each Bolton game and no doubt we will have laughs when they big us up just to let us down again the next week/season. They did this even at the end of her life when we all expected us to beat Exeter for her and get promoted and they lost only to win the week after, with Janet no doubt watching from above with her dad my Uncle Jack. I will miss you so much Janet and our loss is certainly heavens gain Xxx